Prof David Kaye holding up the Total Artificial Heart


Walkway to emergency department
Family violence presentations increase
29 April 2021
The Alfred’s family violence team has seen a concerning increase in the number of people presenting to the Emergency Department (ED) with injuries and mental health crises related to family violence.
emergency & trauma
Spend this Easter with your loved ones, not us
31 March 2021
A dramatic rise in road trauma admissions has Alfred Health specialists urging motorists to stay safe to prevent further trauma this Easter long weekend.
emergency & trauma
road safety
Awareness key in limiting thrombosis
13 October 2020
As a fit and healthy 18-year-old Dominic Mazzeo paid little attention when he began experiencing pain in his stomach, in hindsight he wishes he had.
emergency & trauma
Camp fire
Slow down around fire
9 October 2020
On a cold August night Andrea Pfeffermann-Hegmann went to light her wood fire heater the same we she had each winter night for the past 20 years.
emergency & trauma
Emergency physician Rob Mitchell
Lockdown leads to fewer people seeking medical care
28 August 2020
Victoria’s State of Emergency (SOE) measures resulted in almost 40 per cent less people presenting to Alfred Health’s emergency departments earlier this year, prompting doctors to issue an urgent call for people to continue seeking medical care if they need it.
emergency & trauma
People self-isolating with COVID-19 will be able to have their health watched over from afar
Intelligent home monitoring to prevent COVID-19 deaths
22 July 2020
People self-isolating with COVID-19 will be able to have their health watched over from afar, thanks to a hospital-monitored software system that gets smarter with each patient cared for.
emergency & trauma
Emergency trauma bay
Emergency department lull as Victorians stay home
18 April 2020
Emergency department presentations at The Alfred and Sandringham Hospital remain at their lowest levels in years as Victorians continue to adhere to the stage-three COVID-19 restrictions and stay home.
emergency & trauma
Director of ICU, Steve McGloughlin
The Alfred prepares for COVID-19
17 April 2020
In response to the COVID-19 global health crisis, The Alfred has significantly increased its capacity to care for critically ill patients with major expansions to its Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Emergency Department (ED).
emergency & trauma
Heather Cleland, Director of the Victorian Adult Burns Service at The Alfred
Take care in the kitchen
9 April 2020
The Alfred has admitted multiple patients with severe cooking-related burns since the state’s stage 3 lockdown came into effect, and specialists are urging people at home to take greater care or risk life-long injuries.
emergency & trauma
The Alfred from Commercial Road. Ambulance driving in front.
Update on patients from White Island tragedy
13 January 2020
This page will be updated with information about patients transferred from New Zealand as it becomes available. 
emergency & trauma